This summer has seen some dramatic changes. While I've maintained both of the jobs I had last year, my responsibilities (or the expectations at least) have changed considerably. I spent much of the last three months working full time with contract work in addition to that. I'm amazed that a single year has allowed me to significantly transform professionally, gain financial independence, and upgrade on numerous fronts (place, car, etc.). The post-university daze that I spoke of last year in regard to the Indio trip is completely irrelevant now - If 2009 was about picking myself up, in 2010 I dusted myself off.
Returning to California now, and doing it with the same enthusiasm and energy as last year only proves that I'm still capable of doing what I really want to. I don't have to feel guilty about work, I don't have to worry about the money, and I can actually let my mind rest as I'm taking this temporary detour. I was always afraid when I saw university coming to a close that it would mean the end to my actual independence. The truth is, I don't think we ever lose that, but a lot of people are just willing to surrender it too easily.
When you're looking for a series of experiences, and not just a holiday, it's like banking on the fact that the memories you create will pay dividends years and years down the road. Right now that road ahead looks pretty good . . . so, California?
Here's a summary of the footage I shot last year.
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