Mar 1, 2008

Buick to the Future: First Trailer

It's kind of crazy what Buick to the Future became in regards to this blog and YouTube for me. It was really my jumping off point, my first major effort at getting my online portfolio started. The fun it was to do in the summer of 2007 though is what I remember, and it was the rush of first sharing it that has motivated me to keep creating new edits and growing this blog.

It was just set in motion today that Buick to the Future will continue, and will be finalized before the end of April 2008 with the final installment: Buick to the Future: The Conclusion (part 4 just didn't sound grand enough).

Anyway, to celebrate the old and motivate the new I completed a brand new trailer for the original series of 3 Buick films. Enjoy! And I hope to see you back here next month for the final chapter!

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